Thursday, June 4, 2009

The First Meeting

Becoming a new Marketing Service Provider (MSP) has necessitated that I jump head first into learning new terminologies and programs. This proves to be a somewhat daunting task unless one already has some solid understanding of demographics and metrics. I think it would be extremely difficult for a person who doesn't have a strong marketing background to fully grasp the whole concept of an MSP. You have to be able to speak to a potential client and really sell the idea of measuring everything they promote. For years, many companies have followed the methodology of, "It's the way we have always done it." What's amusing, and tragic, is that most
companies don't even know if their programs work. Recently, I had a meeting with a client for the first time since becoming an MSP. For many years, this customer has routinely sent out a brochure with a major newspaper in the area. This 12-page brochure is dropped along with the newspaper to over a 120k households twice a year. When I asked why they did this
program, I was not surprised to hear that this was how it was done before she started working there (three years prior). There was no evidence of the benefits of the program, only the strict adherence to the habit of just repeating it.

I have learned these key facts when working with clients or potential clients: They way you present yourself has been completely modified. Coming from the commercial printer (CP) mindset, you must free yourself from looking to print whatever piece currently printed just
because that's the way it's always been done. The same goes for advertising agencies; if a client wants to do a project, first figure WHY they want to do this project. At first, this concept may seem scary, but, if asked, "Can you print 120 thousand brochures or do a radio campaign?" your first response should be, "Yes, but what is your overall objective?" If you simply answer yes and leave it at that, you become like every other CP or agency in the area. Companies are looking to streamline processes, so why not deliver it all in one package! Figure out a customer's overall goal and then show them a way to accomplish that goal with a diversified program. Show them how the program can be tested and how it can provide metrics to all the powers-that-be to help them justify the cost associated with the program. Ask the question, "Why do you want to do this mailing? Or, "Why do you want to do this TV commercial?" Armed with this information helps you help the customer achieve their objective and beyond!

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